
CryEngine 3-Powered U.S. Army Training Game Gets Two Trailers

domingo, 25 de diciembre de 2011 , Posted by admin at 20:06

 CryEngine 3-Powered U.S. Army Training Game Gets Two Trailers

RealTime Immersive Inc. - In-Engine Cinematic 
This video is a serious games and simulation technology demonstration created by Realtime Immersive Inc.
It showcases the power of the CryENGINE software development kit being used in various simulation and serious games projects.
All parts of this video have been captured out from real-time in-game scenes. 
CryENGINE - Realtime all the time!

Crytek's CryEngine 3 is capable of pushing out some gorgeous visuals, as anyone with a computer capable of maxing out Crysis 2's graphics settings saw. Two new trailers for the U.S. Army's "Dismounted Training System" game -- not the best title, guys -- are online now (via PC Gamer), and they, too, show off the power of CryEngine 3. Sadly, this is a game that most of us will never play.

The $57 million production exists specifically for training purposes, so you'll have to enlist if you want to soak in these visuals with a game controller in-hand. The trailer up top is of the cinematic variety, the sort you'd see used to advertise any old Brown Military Shooter. The video after the jump shows off more of the tech behind this "game," and it's all looking pretty impressive. Perhaps if we all make enough noise about it, the Army will release this bad boy as a recruitment tool

RealTime Immersive Inc. - Technology Showcase
This video is a serious games and simulation technology demonstration created by Realtime Immersive Inc.
It showcases the power of the CryENGINE software development kit being used in various simulation and serious games projects.
All parts of this video have been captured out from real-time in-game scenes. 
CryENGINE - Realtime all the time!

New Crysis gameplay video


Article,photographs and video taken entirely from the web

Videos// Youtube
Images:// Google